Airbike Ali5 v2 Reviews

项目 31 到 40 共 76个

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  • Diego Macias

    Es perfecto, superdivertido y realmente está muy bien hecho. Bonita obra de arte de la ingeniería.

  • Antonio Casado

    Es mi medio de transporte diario para ir hasta mi parada más cercana y ya le tengo hechos unos 400km en algo más de 4 meses.

  • Mateo Jaramillo

    Ha sido una compra genial, el patinete viene en una caja completamente montado y listo para usar. Compra ideal para mi uso diario ir desde el Metro hasta el trabajo.

  • Grace Wormald

    This is perfect for getting around in the city. I have some hills here (decent grade), and it does struggle to maintain speed, but kicking it as I go up them will keep the speed up easily enough.

  • Byron Bonneville

    Really well designed. It's light, it's fast, it's convenient, and it gets me where I need to go. I weight around 170. Very impressed! Perfect for anyone who needs to get around quick.

  • Mark S. Motz

    So much fun to ride, I bought it for my teen son but I've used it more than him! it is a huge time saver where I don't have to wait for trains or buses as much as I used to.

  • Marina Knežević

    I am really liking this new electric scooter, the carbon fiber frame is very sturdy, attractive, and the folding mechanism is a breeze to use. I love that fact it can be folded (only 15lbs) and stored very easily.

  • Geoffrey Boileau

    Bonne vitesse
    L'autonomie dans la moyenne (parcouru 26 kilomètres en une charge)
    Conception solide

  • Ulrich Herman

    Für Kurzstrecken ist der Roller Klasse! - Absolute Zeitersparnis In Kombination mit den öffentliche Verkehrsmitteln, da er wenig Platz in Bus und U-Bahn wegnimmt.

  • Mustafa Hayta

    Wir können den Rolle nur empfehlen, schaut super aus und hat echt Power macht riesig Spass mit ihm zu fahren.

项目 31 到 40 共 76个

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